Aims of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

1.1 The name of the Federation is the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

1.2 The aims of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are:

a. to promote international co-operation in biochemistry and molecular biology, and particularly,

b. to promote international co-operation in research, discussion and publication in biochemistry and molecular biology

c. to promote international standardization of methods, nomenclature and of symbols used in biochemistry and molecular biology,

d. to promote high standards of biochemistry and molecular biology throughout the world, and

e. to contribute to the advancement of biochemistry and molecular biology in all matters which involve international relations.

1.3 For all these purposes the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has        power to

a. adhere to the International Council for Science

b. organize or sponsor International Congresses of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, International Conferences on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and other international meetings and conferences on subjects which fall within the purview of the Federation

c. promote the international publication of works in biochemistry and molecular biology;

d. assist the development and organization of new and existing disciplines within the area of biochemistry and molecular biology;

e. assist the training and education of biochemists and molecular biologists;

f. encourage the application of the practical aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology for the benefit of the society;

g. cooperate with national, regional, and international bodies whose aims are consonant with those of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;

h. create an organizational framework appropriate to the fulfilment of the aims of the Federation;

i. formulate and adopt Statutes and By-Laws to which the activities of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology shall conform.